Today's picture is of a beautiful antique cash register. I love the color and the keys. Please see the special extra bonus shot at the bottom - my first intentional macro shot. I have had this cheap 70-300 lens for years now, and just figured out how to use the macro function this weekend courtesy of my friend
Wyatt Johnston.
Canon 5D Mark II
Promaster 70-300 1:4-5.6
70mm - ISO 320
1/60s- f/4
Canon 580EXII
14mm zoom @ 1/16 power
Flash on camera, bounced straight up to ceiling
Canon 5D Mark II
Promaster 70-300 1:4-5.6
180mm - ISO 320
1/200s- f/6.3
That is so well preserved. Really nice! Where did you come upon it?