Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What's the story, morning glory?

I love morning glories. They might be my favorite flowers in the entire world. I start them from seed indoors every February, and the vines and leaves grow for SIX MONTHS until the flowers finally start blooming in August. It is always such a reward after the long, hot summer. Each blossom starts to wilt by the middle of the morning, and if the day is hot, the spent blooms will drop off by the middle of the evening. The heart-shaped leaves are great too, but the flowers, in their short-lived glory, are spectacular. They are hardy too - I didn't even plant them in this pot, but when the seedlings appeared, I stuck a piece of lattice in the back and the vines went up, up and away!

Canon 5D Mark II
Canon 50mm f1.4
50mm - ISO 100
1/50s- f/2.8

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